Thursday, February 26, 2015

BODY CHALLENGEUPDATE: It all gets better

 So if you read my last post about the Vacation Body Challenge, I was or whatever you want to call it. The water was KILLING ME but I stuck with the challenge and it actually got better as the day week on!  

With the water, I just had to pace myself. Rome wasn't built in a day and it was unrealistic to expect that I would be able to drink a gallon of water in 3 hours without having to go to the bathroom 20 million times. Now what IS realistic is waking up in the morning and drinking it along the day. I still had to go to the bathroom a lot, but by pacing myself it didn't seem so dramatic. Look Ma, I did it!

Len was enjoying those squats! So much that he just had to go and put some weights with em...

This is my, "I'm-not-enjoying-these-weighted-squats-but-I'm-gonna-keep-at-it-because-its-good-for-me"  face"

I got this chart from the thrift store for a buck or two. I think it was originally supposed to be used to track daily chores for kids but whatever... It was only a dollar! I have plans to personalize it and jazz it up a bit but its not that serious.

As you can see from the chart, we are faring pretty well in all the categories besides cardio. We have only done that twice so far,but I am proud that we have been consistent with eating clean. If you have read my post on juicing you would know that I am ADDICTED. So making a green smoothie when I woke us was like second nature, the second serving of greens came from a salad (made with a mix of kale,collards,and spinach) or another smoothie:)

At first not eating carbs for a week was hard- but then I thought about the beach and how I wanted to look good and be confident so I got over it!
Keep on pushing...

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