Friday, January 30, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015


It's super late and I have NO IDEA why I am still up right now... well maybe I do. Haha. Len and I had a late workout and I am super high on endorphins as if I don't have to go to work in the morning!

Anywho, I got the big idea to start a blog today while we were in the middle of our last set of push ups for the night. Lately with our whole vegan kick, I have developed a habit of "instagramming" just about all my meals before  I eat them. In the last few days I have received  several encouraging reviews and even requests for recipies! I thought, why not  take it a step further and start a blog to not only  document our journey but keep us accountable at the same time!

This is not at all my first attempt  at weightloss... I have struggled  with my weight nearly my whole life. I have always been very  successful  at losing the weight when I put my mind to it; however my problem was staying consistent. After losing 30lbs or so I  would either become complacent or life would happen and I would just gain the weight right back...  but not this time!!

This time around consistency is my goal. Instead of meticulously tracking my weight and hopping on and off the scale everyday, my main focus is to get on  the right track and never give up. Don't get me wrong  we will have monthly benchmarks to ensure  we are moving forward but Rome wasn't  built in a day right?

Thanks for checking  out our blog more to come soon!