Thursday, February 26, 2015

BODY CHALLENGEUPDATE: It all gets better

 So if you read my last post about the Vacation Body Challenge, I was or whatever you want to call it. The water was KILLING ME but I stuck with the challenge and it actually got better as the day week on!  

With the water, I just had to pace myself. Rome wasn't built in a day and it was unrealistic to expect that I would be able to drink a gallon of water in 3 hours without having to go to the bathroom 20 million times. Now what IS realistic is waking up in the morning and drinking it along the day. I still had to go to the bathroom a lot, but by pacing myself it didn't seem so dramatic. Look Ma, I did it!

Len was enjoying those squats! So much that he just had to go and put some weights with em...

This is my, "I'm-not-enjoying-these-weighted-squats-but-I'm-gonna-keep-at-it-because-its-good-for-me"  face"

I got this chart from the thrift store for a buck or two. I think it was originally supposed to be used to track daily chores for kids but whatever... It was only a dollar! I have plans to personalize it and jazz it up a bit but its not that serious.

As you can see from the chart, we are faring pretty well in all the categories besides cardio. We have only done that twice so far,but I am proud that we have been consistent with eating clean. If you have read my post on juicing you would know that I am ADDICTED. So making a green smoothie when I woke us was like second nature, the second serving of greens came from a salad (made with a mix of kale,collards,and spinach) or another smoothie:)

At first not eating carbs for a week was hard- but then I thought about the beach and how I wanted to look good and be confident so I got over it!
Keep on pushing...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

IT'S NOT ABOUT THE FOOD: Excerpts from "Women, Food and God"

For the month of February I am reading,  Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth. It is an excellent book that hits home and really challenges you to consider what it means to be fully alive and aware. From the very first pages I was convicted about emotional eating and challenged myself to really deal with the issue that was bothering me in the first place instead of masking my pain with food. The theme of the book is that the way we eat, the way we think about food and handle ourselves around it is the way we do everything. 

"Weight loss is the easy part; anytime you truly listen to your hunger and fullness you lose weight... It's one thing to say you want to stop using food to numb yourself. But slowing down, asking yourself what is actually going on when you want to eat when you aren't hungry- that's going too far"

It's really not about the food. But it's also not not about food. I say this for two reasons. First to encourage you reclaim responsibility of your body and what goes in it, and secondly as a caution. When we eat when we are sad, depressed, angry we are essentially depriving ourselves from truly being alive. we are blocking ourselves from dealing with those emotions and instead turn to food as a balm to ease the wound.

I honestly think that to know yourself truly is to listen to yourself. Take time and pay attention to the way you act when things don't go your way. Pay attention to what you spend your money on, the people you spend your time with and most importantly what you eat. Not only what you eat- but WHY you are eating it.

"We have become so obsessed with getting rid of our obsession, with riding on top of our suffering and ignoring its inherent message, that we lose the pieces of ourselves waiting to be found beneath it. But fixing ourselves is not the same as being ourselves, The real richness of obsession lies in the ineffable stillness, the irrefutable wholeness, that is found in turning toward its source." 
Sometimes the easiest thing to do when we are hurting within is to run to food for comfort. Unfortunately when we do that we are cheating ourselves by ignoring the real issue at hand.

So how then do we deal with inextricable loss, depression and pain? Instead of letting food be a temporary fix, you let yourself feel those emotions. Allow yourself to cry, to grieve, to feel as if your heart is falling apart. You pray. You Cry, You get help from friends, and slowly but surely you notice that you are still alive. Feelings are temporal and we can not allow them to control our life or our diet. By dissecting these issues and emotions head-on instead of numbing the pain with oreos or a box of pizza we become stronger wiser and better. Like they say at church,  sometimes we have to  GO through to GET through:) 

"Imagine not being frightened by any feeling. Imagine knowing that nothing will destroy you. That  you are beyond any feeling, any state. Bigger than. Vaster than. That there is no reason to use drugs because anything a drug could do would pale in comparison to knowing who you are." 
 This quote made me want to get up and shout. I think so many times we as women always feel like we are ALWAYS in competition with someone. We subconsciously degrade and devalue ourselves on the the regular. We think, "If only my butt was like so and so, If only I had a better paying job, If only my thighs didn't touch.... Then I would be good enough." This flawed mentality must stop.

Regardless of what we see on TV or what plays on in our personal lives, we are worthy of love and respect.  YOU ARE WORTHY AND DESERVING OF LOVE.

If our goal is to move forward in life we must learn to love ourselves. In order to love yourself, you must first know yourself and the first step to do that is to listen and pay attention. We all have that one thing we run to when we are down. It may not be food, perhaps it's compulsive shopping, or an unhealthy relationship. Whatever the case maybe, we have to stop allowing the expectations of society dictate how we see ourselves and instead run confidently in the direction of our dreams.

Monday, February 23, 2015

DAY 1: Vacation Body Challenge Update

Soooo. Day 1 is over. Thank God. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed  juicing and nothing was particularly  different  about  what I ate but that gallon of water... man. Whose idea was that!? Mine? Oh.

To be fair, I didn't  start  on my gallon til about 5pm. It is now 11:36 and I kid you not, I have been to  the bathroom about 12 times. This is ridiculous. Luckily,  I was at home but OMG! What if I started earlier!?!  My poor bladder!  Oh well.

The green smoothies were incredible. No surprise there. My morning smoothie included Spinach, Squash  Pineapples, Kiwi, Papaya, Goji Berries and Chia Seeds. Initially, before I added the Pineapples it was not a pleasant  taste at all.  BLEH. I think it may have been the squash. But that's the beauty and fun  with juicing... if you don't like it at first you can keep experimenting, adding fruits or whatever you like til you reach your desired flavor.

And of course  when I got off work I had to make my happy hour drink:) Spinach, Strawberries, Pineapple, Kiwi and Cashews... DELICIOUS!

For dinner I made a vegetable stir-fry comprised of beets, corn, carrots, broccoli, squash, and a mix of onions and hot peppers. Len cut up some avocado slices on the side and our meal was complete! While it was great, perhaps  my eyes were  bigger  than my stomach  because  I WAS SO STUFFED! I was  stuffed  to the point that I was uncomfortable... it was painful!! I didn't even go to the gym tonight for my 30 mins of cardio!

I  think for tomorrow  I will try to do an early morning workout and DEFINITELY start on my water earlier in the day!!

How is your  challenge going?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fruit Market Jaunt

JAUNT- a short excursion or journey for pleasure 

I don't know when Destiny started using this word but it kinda stuck. 

But with that being said I LOVE OUR SHOPPING JAUNTS.  

Enjoy this photo blog!!!

Gotta love the Avocados

Destiny judging my fruit juggling skills... #donthate

Look at all the Fruits!
Pick them Kiwi's girl!
I got pineapples in my haaaaaanddd and im about to Juice em

Don't know if you have seen "Foxcatcher", but I would like to name this strawberry, "John duPont"

She don't even know what she was smelling... 

I ate it right in the store #boss

Can' believe I spent that much money on fruit!

Our favorite color is obviously green! Can't wait to eat it all!!

Get Yo Lifeeeeee!!!

Yo. I was a big SLACKER this week... Just because you are a vegan or vegetarian does NOT guarantee that every single meal will be super healthy lol. There are so many ways around that.. you can still fry stuff, cook all the nutrients out of your veggies, go crazy on carbs like potatoes and rice, have too much salt on your meals or what's worse, eat all the right things at the wrong time... like right before bed (that may or may not have been me last night :)

Now I have messed up on basically all that this week smh. I could make some bs excuse  about the long weekend and the weather  or some other ish but the truth of the matter  is just that I have been lazy and complacent  and I need to pull it together ASAP. I guess the only positive  it that everything  was vegan and also I fell in love with juicing last week too.

Anywhoo. I am going on vacation in  few weeks so I think what I will do is use this trip as my motivation to get back on track. I don't believe in diets, because I think it's stupid to train your body to do the right thing and then go back to doing the wrong thing. Its all about moderation and self-control... With that being said- this is the regimen that I will try for the next 7 days:

In  addition to this I am gonna try to keep my morning juice GREEEEEEEEEN:) I think  the most difficult  part of this will be to drink 1 gallon of water daily. Seems like I ALWAYS have to go to the bathroom even when I'm not drinking anything. It's a mess.  Oh well. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

About last night...

So. I was supposed  to have a Scandal Party last night  but no one showed up:/
But I watched it this morning before work and heart stopped several times, toooo many people were read for filth, and  the end was a true jaw dropper as usual!  I won't go into too much detail about last night's episode but  I will say that Olivia FINALLY stood up to Fitz and justice was served all the way around.  If you are a fan of the show GO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!! 
Anywho. Even though my Scandal party was a fail my  Butternut  Squash soup was a true hit! Making the soup was  suprisingly easy and fun... thanks to the all powerful Ninja Pulse. From which life is given. Daily. LOL
 Honestly, the most  difficult part is peeling the squash, and with the right  vegetable  peeler I'm sure it would be a breeze. 

The Ingredients:
1 butternut squash
6 garlic cloves 
1/4 cup of Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste
3 cups of chicken broth or water 

What to do:
Step 1: Peel and seed your squash (like I said, this is the difficult part, just purchase  a vegetable  peeler and your life will be much easier:)

Step 2: Cut the squash up and place it on a cookie  sheet with your garlic cloves. At this point your oven should be preheated to 350°

Step 3: Drizzle  the squash and garlic cloves with the olive oil and your preferred seasonings then place it in the oven for about 40 minutes or until  it is tender.
Step 4: When you have finished roasting  the squash you might be tempted to taste it before the next step . Go ahead! It reminded  me of a sweet potato! Yum! 
Step 5: OK, so after  the initial  taste test, you need to put the roasted  squash and garlic in the blender. Now the fun begins! Pour the water or chicken  broth in sparingly until you reach your desired consistency. You may need more or less liquid  depending on how thick you like it;)

Step 6: When you put the roasted squash in the blender  it should still be hot from the oven but if it isn't or you just want to keep it warm you can pour it into a pot and put it on simmer. 
Step 7: Garnish and enjoy! 

The Official "I'm Sorry" Meal

You ever been so mad that you forgot  why you were mad in the first place? I do that a lot lol. 

With our half vegan diet  I have really  tried to minimize the carbs essssspeciallyyyy  at night. But sometimes  you have to compromise;) 

Nothing really special about how I made the rice. However to plate it this way I packed it all in a bowl and turned it upside-down on the plate and it came out that way on the plate. I topped it with siracha and I also made a special green sauce (not pictured).  I wish I could say I made the Injera... it actually came from the Ethiopian  restaurant  we went to last night. 

Needless to say he liked it:D

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I can't Believe it's not Cheese!

Sooooo another thing I was excited to make with my Ninja is Cashew Cheese. Made it on a whim and a prayer the other night  and let me tell you, it was AHHHHHMAZING. In addition to tasting great I was suprised at how easy Cashew Cheese is to make!
Honestly you just throw the ingredients  in the blender and just blend. Most of the ingredients  are things I had in my kitchen already,  I only had to purchase the cashews.

One great  thing about  this recipe is that it can go from a spread to a dip within seconds. All you have to do is just add more water/lemon juice if you would like it to be moreso like a dip.

1 cup cashews (either soak them in water for one hour or boil them in 3 cups of water for 3 minutes)
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon of salt (more to taste if you like)
2 turns fresh black pepper 
1/4 cup water

1. Place  the boiled cashews in a food processor, along with lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

2. Pulse your blender for about 1 minute to combine ingredients.

3. Add water and process until completely smooth, or whatever  consistency you desire. Also if you want to experiment with additional  spices like I did (red pepper flakes, paprika chilli powder, minced garlic) add it in now.

4. Enjoy!!!  YOU JUST MADE CHEESE!!!! Yayyyy!!!! *insert slow clap*

Early Mornin' Juice

So over the weekend I got my Ninja Pulse in the mail and let me tell you...
                  IT. IS. A M A Z I N G!
The Pulse comes with two personal  cups for early morning juicing or smaller jobs and a larger blending cup that can be used as a food processor  or even to knead dough!
I must admit when I first purchased this I was a bit skeptical, even considered sending it back a few times, only because  I read some reviews  that said it wasn't powerful  enough  to do the 3-N-1 job (processor, blender, and juicer) but let me tell you... it is EVERYTHING! The Ninja Pulse has cut so much of my prep time down and made cooking  easy and fun again. So far I have used  it as a processor to make cashew cheese, as a juicer each morning, and as a blender/chopper for my onions & peppers... I'm DELIVERT!! I'm not chopping up my spices no mo!!!!!

Before I got the Ninja, breakfast time was a drag. I would have my little grapefruit and ACV and keep it moving, now I wake up each morning hype as hell to play with my new toy! (ok, that didn't come out right but you know what I mean:)  the blades are super sharp (((I already  sliced my finger because I forgot the blade was in the sink))) the Ninja can slice, chop, and blend just about anything! SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!

This morning  I'm making one of my new favorite  drinks. I mixed carrots, frozen strawberries, a little of my green power mix, beets and a little lemon water! With all those flavors combined you might think it wouldn't  have a distinct  taste but actually  the Carrots and Strawberries  saved the day!

I would definitely  recommend  this for someone  new to "the life" aka clean and healthy  living;) At 69.99 on Amazon, it's not so much of a monetary commitment, and the interchangeable  cups AND blades make it a worthwhile investment.

If you happen to purchase  one, or have a great drink recipe to share, drop a note  and let me know!!

Have a fanTABulous day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

If at First you don't Succeed...

Try, try again.

That has been my mantra for this year. Don't give up Destiny. You can do it. Try again. Keep going. 

Today at the gym, I don't even know exactly  what happened. I tried to start on the elliptical  for about 10 mins... (by try I mean scrolling up and down my fb timeline and people watching) I just wasn't  feeling it! I considered  going home and walked over to tell Len as he was vigorously racing on the bike (which I hate btw, somthing about a seat impaling my butt just isn't appealing to me lol). He suggested  that we  try the stair stepping machine (which we had never tried before) and see how we felt afterwards.

So. 5 minutes and 13 flights  of stairs later, we switched  over to weights, then went back our cardio excerise, then abs, back to cardio again on the bikes (I compromised on that lol) and finally we closed it out with squats and bench pressing. Interval training for the win!

The sense of accomplishment  that comes from overcoming self doubt is priceless. Needless to say, I'm very glad we didn't go home!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Fruit Market!

When I first moved to philly, I struggled to find a good fruit market. The stores here are either super ratchet or super expensive. I'm not exactly  sure how I stumbled upon my current store but I love it. The produce is fresh, the store isn't messy or smelly and the price is right! Most days I can get groceries for week for under 40 bucks!

If you know me, you know I love a good bargain, so this place is like heaven to me:)